
National Aerospace Conceptual Design Competition (NACDeC vi) 2023 – Winners.         Consolation prize for Mr. Jayesh Sharma, in SYRES 2023 in PG Category organized by IEEE Hyderabad.        Best paper award for Ms. Rinisha T. Nikhade & Dr. Ganapati N. Joshi, International conference STAAAR 2023.        SPANDAN 2024 – Department of Aerospace Engineering students won the Institute Rolling Trophy.       Patent Successfully granted to Dr. Manish Tripathi, Dr. Ajay Misra, Dr. Mahesh M. S.        Department of Aerospace Engineering organizing Skill Development Workshops for Aerospace Students.

Department of Aerospace Engineering

Defence Institute of Advanced Technology Pune

Research Projects

Sr. No. Title Funding Year Faculty
1 Aerodynamic Characterization of Grid Fins in Subsonic Regime ARMREB DRDO 2022-2025 PI: Dr. Ajay Misra
Co-PI: Dr. Ganapati N. Joshi
2 Development of Data-Driven Machine Learning Algorithms for Engine Health Prognostics based on FADEC Data ADA 2023-2024 PI: Prof. R. K. Satapathy
3 Thermal Barrier Coatings with Enhanced Radiation Rejection Performance: Computational Design to Prototype Fabrication DIAT 2023-2024 PI : Prof. R. K. Satapathy
Co – PI : Dr. Fiyanshu Kaka
4 Development of technology for production of non-flammable hydrogen gas and its application in Lighter than Air (LTA) Vehicle ERIPR DRDO 2021-2024 PI: Dr. Prashant S. Kulkarni
Co-PI: Dr. Ganapati N. Joshi
5 Attenuation of Flowfield Unsteadiness due to Flare Induced Shock/Boundary Layer Interaction using Micro Vortex Generators SERB, DST New Delhi 2019-2022 PI: Dr. Ganapati N. Joshi
Co-PI: Dr. S. B. Verma, NAL Bengaluru
6 Development of non-flammable hydrogen using selected inhibitors and study of its lifting ability AR&DB DRDO 2018-2020 PI: Dr. Prashant S Kulkarni, School of Energy and Environment
Co-PI: Dr. Ganapati N. Joshi
7 Study of Flare Induced Shock-Boundary Layer Interactions DIAT Grant-in-Aid 2018-2020 PI: Dr. Ganapati N. Joshi
8 Study of Ice Accretion on an Airfoil using CFD AR&DB 2014-2016 PI: Dr. Prashant S. Kulkarni
Co-PI: Dr. Ganapati N. Joshi
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